August 28th and went up to Allen, Texas to visit our oldest daughter and her family.
Friday night CJ (our daughter) and Rick (CJ's husband), took me and John out for Bar-B-Que.
Back to CJ & Ricks to visit for awhile.
Saturday, August 29th, the whole bunch came to see us.
CJ, Rick, Cotton, Candy, Chris, Sydney, Madison & Peyton
took us to a place called Sweet Tomato......It was Super Good!!
Back to CJ & Ricks home to visit with everyone. Later that evening CJ, Rick, Cotton and Angel
(Cotton's girlfriend) came out to the RV to visit with us. This was the first time we had ever
met Angel. She is very sweet and a very pretty girl. We enjoyed our visit with all of them.
Sunday after CJ & Rick got out of church.......We took them out for lunch and then John & I headed back to the RV to feed grandad.
Tonight, August 31 we are heading up to cooler ground.........Estes Park, Colorado.
This picture is of Cotton and Angel.........on the right with friends.

Candy.......CJ's daughter
Sydney (left) Madison (right)
are Candy's daughters.
Madison thought I needed my picture taken also.....
so she took this picture of me......thanks for thinking
Peyton Loves His Uncle Cotton......He is
Float left so Sydney and Madison
are racing to see who can drink
the most.
Peyton in Super-Grandpa's shoes. Super-Grandpa and Super-
This is the way he gets a drink of water.
Peyton watching on.
They turn the water on and Winston gets a drink
They turn the water on and Winston gets a drink
and when he is done, they turn the water off and
he just stands there and watchs the water go down
the drain. FUNNY!! FUNNY!!
Peyton and Super-Grandpa
Another buddy of Super-Grandpa's
PE-PA and PA-PA with his wonderful grandchildren.
The girls call Rick PE-PA and Peyton calls him PA-PA.
This is Peyton spraying Winston with perfume or thinking he is.
This is Peyton spraying Winston with perfume or thinking he is.
gets too wound up they spray a little perfume out in his face so he
will slow down.