We went into Brooklyn, N.Y. today to see Cody (grandson) going
to acting school in Manhattan. We are staying in an RV Park in
New Jersey.......about an hour or little more away.
We go from New Jersey over a bridge to Statan Island and after
crossing Statan Island cross over another bridge from Statan
Island to Brooklyn. Cost $19.00 to cross these two bridges.
This picture is of Manhattan skyline taken from Brooklyn side.
This picture is of the Brooklyn bridge going from Brooklyn into
Manhattan. We didn't go on this bridge because we took the subway from Brooklyn into Manhattan.
There were all different street people on the str
eets of Manhattan
doing different things to get money. We stopped and watched this
guy and he could bend him
self around in different positions At the
end he tied himself up like a pretzel.
This is Pier 17 at Manhattan. Lots of ships and boats
to take rides. We tried to get a taxi boat to go out to
the Statue of Liberty but were sold out for that day.
We only went into the south end of Manhattan to try and get a
taxi boat to go out to the Statue of Liberty. It is on Liberty Island.
This is where we went down and caught the subway from Brooklyn over
to Manhattan.
The little yellow boat in this
picture is a taxi boat.
This picture shows a tug pulling a barge.
This picture of the Statue of Liberty was taken from the Promenade in Brooklyn. Also the sky line of Manhattan was taken from there. The Promenade is a long place by the water you can walk down along the river......it is close to where Cody lives.
The Statue of Liberty is out on
Liberty Island. I always thought it
was on Staten Island.
This is the Promenade
RVing Gramps with Cody on the Promenade in Brooklyn.
These buildings are in Brooklyn
just wanted to show you that every
building is different.
News stand on the corner
John wanted me to take a
Cody in front of
the building where
he lives in Brooklyn!
Building where
Cody lives.
This is the bridge we cross from Staten Island to Brooklyn.....Cost a car $11.00 to return.
Going into Brooklyn.
Almeda this is only a
little of the traffic we
had going into Brooklyn.
Statue of Liberty from the Highway.
This is the bridge from New Jersey
to Staten Island. Cost a car $8.00
to cross.
Seems every road you get on is a toll road or you pay to cross a bridge. I see why people have to
live here........they can't aford to leave. Takes all their money for toll roads and bridge's.
One toll road we used coming into New Jersey from Pennsylvania cost $23.45 for the RV and
$10.95 for the car.
Nice place to visit But I Would Never Live Here!!